Am I really posting pictures of our apartment? Yes, I am. It's a work in progress but we are having quite a fun time decorating our house together. Ps, take our advice and shop KSL! We have fully furnished our apartment for less than one semesters tuition. Our gorgeous quilt is HOMEMADE from my grammie. Amazing right? I got 4 plates of the china (thank you Emily) I registered for and had to display them on our table. I mean, HELLO?!? Vera Wang- gold-lined china does NOT sit in a cupboard unnoticed. I also had to take a picture of our shower curtain because Mitch surprised me with it. I literally have the worlds best husband who knows that nothing makes me happier than coming home to PF Changs, French Silk pie from Village Inn and a cute shabby chic shower curtain all set up.