Monday, October 12, 2009


Here are a few wedding pictures, compliments of Camilla Binks who is the most fabulous photographer ever!


  1. UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE! SO JEALOUS!! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! I love Camilla's style!!!!

  2. So I have been bugging your dad to see all of your amazing pictures from your wedding and honeymoon and he gave me your blog address (hope that's okay). Your wedding was so beautiful! You looked absolutely stunning and I am so happy for you and Mitch! Loved all of your pictures! Congrats! - Nat (dad's admin) :-)

  3. AMAZING!!!! You two look SOOOO good!!!! Your photographer is fabulous! What a beautiful wedding it was!!!!!!!!!!! Jill

  4. Seriously those pictures are gorgeous! Camilla is VERY GOOD! Seriously! You guys looks super hottie!

  5. Such cute pictures. The camera loves you. I want to see more more more. You two look great together. I also love love love your dress. BEAUTIFUL!

  6. UMMMMM When did you get a blog!?!?!?! Where have I been?!?!?!!? You are amazingly beautiful and I am so sorry we haven't gotten together. Gosh, I am really not a flake, we have just had a busy life these past few weeks!

  7. cut pics. and you sure weren't kidding when you said you didn't know how to blog. Girlfriend. You gotta do something with that sidebar. -A.O.

  8. thanks so much! (for your comment on my blog). I can't wait to see you (maybe?) next weekend!
